Book Group

Please note Change of Date.  The North Tahoe AAUW Book Group will be meeting on FRIDAY, December 19th, 12 noon at the Gatekeeper’s Museum in Tahoe City.  The date was changed because the museum is not open on our regular Tuesday meeting day, and the last Tuesday of the month is during the holiday period.  The museum also offers excellent parking.  There will not be a discussion of a particular book, but instead we will have a general discussion of books to consider for future meetings.  We plan to make selections for the April and May meetings and to find hostesses and people to provide refreshments for those two months.  Please bring your ideas of books you think worthwhile reading.  In recognition of the holidays, there will be an optional Cookie Exchange at this meeting.  If you wish to participate, please bring cookies to share and a means to take some home.  So we know how many people to plan for, please RSVP to if you will be attending.  Hope to see you there.  Carol Eyre & Martha Cirata