
We will be meeting at Sue DeVoe’s home at 8740 Brockway Vista in Brockway, CA from 10am to 1 pm on October 19.


We are 12 this year and we meet in members’ homes each month doing our own thing . . . knitting, laughing, stitching, complaining, crocheting, talking, enjoying, eating, organizing things, bringing along a friend.  We are pretty free and easy (but not cheap!) and sometimes there will be a crafty item to make if interested.


We will be trying something new this year–letting the Hostess set the time of the get-together at either 10 to 1 or 1 to 4 or 2 to 5 and even the day if it is something grand and fun and has food (just kidding about the food). So, do read your newsletter to keep up with this group (and because it contains a wealth of info).


Please bring your own brown bag to the early meeting (10-1) and do not plan to stay to dinner on the later meetings (1 to 4 and 2 to 5).


We ask that you contact either myself or the Hostess if UNABLE to attend. Johnnie Lee Don: 775-832-8089 or <>

Sue DeVoe:   530-546-5120 or <>