
February 24th at 7:00 pm will be our next get-together and will be at the Dons’ home (633A Lariat Circle, Incline Village).  Celebrations will commence for some, all, or none of the following: International Polar Bear Day, Umbrella Day, Random Acts of Kindness Day, National Wear Red Day, or even Don’t Cry Over Spilled Milk Day. It will, however, allow us to celebrate a v-e-r-y late Valentine’s Day. It will be a dessert evening with a Caramels Taste Test.  We will challenge your taste buds to identify which caramels are which.  Some of the flavors are hot chili, butterscotch, fig and honey and maple. Please let Johnnie Lee (775-832-8089) or <> know by Monday the 23rd if you plan to come.  Twelve is the most we can accommodate for this event.