AAUW Fund Gift Honoree

Each year, AAUW North Tahoe honors a member or organization that has provided leadership and done outstanding work in supporting the programs and goals of the AAUW Fund, AAUW of California or for our branch. For each $750 that North Tahoe AAUW contributes to the AAUW Fund, we name one gift honoree from our membership.

The National AAUW Fund supports research on gender equity in education and the workplace, challenges sex discrimination in higher education and the workplace, and sponsors daylong conferences that seek to interest girls in grades 6–9 in STEM fields, as well as Tech Trek, to name just a few of the many programs under the AAUW Fund umbrella.

Being designated a “Named Gift Honoree” is the highest honor we can bestow on one of our members.

List of AAUW Fund Named Gift Honorees


Barbara Ramsey presenting the 2022 award to Johnnie Lee Don

2021 Named Gift Honoree: Jo Ann Cobb

2020 Named Gift Honoree: Patricia Watters

2020 Named Gift Honoree


2019 Named Gift Honoree: Janet Potter